Upcoming Events January, February and March 2007
Co-Sponsored by West Liberty State College SMART-Center

Science in Science Fiction Club:

Meets on the second Wednesday evening of each month at 6:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Warwood Center at 1610 Warwood Avenue, Wheeling, WV.  FREE to the public, snacks and refreshments provided as we watch and discuss science in science fiction movies.

                        January 10       - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, 2005

                        February 14     - Warning From Space, 1956 Japanese Sci-Fi Classic

                        March 14         - Flash Gordon – Rocketship, 1936 Classic


Middle School Science Bowl:

The first annual Middle School Science Bowl will be held on Saturday morning, February 17 at 9:00 a.m. at the SMART-Center.  For more information see the website



Middle School Science Challenge:

The eighth annual Middle School Science Challenge will be held on Saturday morning, March 3 at 9:00 a.m. at the Corpus Christi Parish Center.


ASTROLABE Astronomy Club: (12-part series “The Solar System Inside and Out”)

Meets on the third Wednesday evening of each month at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Warwood Center at 1610 Warwood Avenue, Wheeling, WV.  FREE to the public, snacks and refreshments provided.


The 12-part monthly presentation series “The Solar System Inside and Out” will focus each month on a different region and object in the Solar System.  Presenters for “The Solar System Inside and Out” series will be WLSC SMART-Center staff and will offer hands-on activities appropriate for all age groups.  The 12-part series is sponsored in part by the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium.

            January 17       - Part 8: Jupiter, King of the Planets – its moons and its asteroids

                        February 21     - Part 9: Saturn the Ringed Planet – and its moons

                        March 21         - Part 10: Uranus, The Edge-on Planet - and its moons


StarWatches at Brooke Hills Park:

FREE public StarWatches are held every third Friday evening of each month at 8:00 p.m..  StarWatches will take place at Brooke Hills Park’s Cardinal Shelter or the Clubhouse.  Members of the ASTROLABE Astronomy Club, staff of the WLSC SMART-Center, and the Near Earth Object Foundation will co-present these FREE public StarWatches.  If the weather does not cooperate, an informative astronomy presentation will be held.


Telescopes will be provided to view the evening sky and the public is invited to bring their own telescopes to the StarWatch events.  If the weather does not permit outdoor telescope viewing, the co-presenters will give an astronomy related interactive presentation for the whole family.  The StarWatches are sponsored in part by the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium.

January 19       - VenusWatch at the BHP Clubhouse

February 16     - SaturnWatch at the BHP Clubhouse

March 3           - Special Event – starts at 5:30 p.m.: Total Lunar Eclipse at the Cardinal


March 16         - StarWatch at the Cardinal Shelter


Radio Science News:

If you want to learn more about science, you can tune into “Radio Science News” on WVLY 1370 AM, Saturday mornings from 11:05 a.m. to noon.  Robert E. Strong and Richard Pollack co-host “Radio Science News”, a local radio call-in program with a science theme.  “Radio Science News” immediately follows the two-hour nature program, “The Wild Side”, hosted by the regional naturalist Dr. Scott Shalaway.  Check the website     http://neofoundation.org/radiosciencenews/     for current topics and information.


Visit the website    www.smartcenter.org    for more details

Contact Name: Robert E. Strong, Phone: (304) 277-2308, e-mail:  robert@smartcenter.org